#Junkie: Gearshark Series, Book 1

#Junkie: Gearshark Series, Book 1

B. inggris tugas pelajaran bahasa inggris kelas 9 halaman 10​

tugas pelajaran bahasa inggris kelas 9 halaman 10​

Rewrite the following sentences into sequential dialogs. Practice the dialog with your friend.

  • Dialog 1

Prita: When will the coronation be?

Prita: As the winner she has a great responsibility in representing this town, especially in tourism.

Prita: I saw a billboard showing the pictures of the winner of Mas and Mbak Contest on the way to school. Interestingly, I think I know the young woman. Is she your elder sister?

Prita: I do hope she can do her duties well.

Prita: Wow! That's wonderful! Congratulations!

Ryan: Thanks.

Ryan: I hope so. Thanks.

Ryan: She is.

Ryan: Next week.

Ryan: You're right. During the test, she had to present her vision and mission. My sister has an idea to develop tourist objects in our town.

  • Dialog 2

Indah: Will you work soon after graduation?

Indah : What a noble purpose! Good luck, brother!

Indah: Congratulations! You've finally finished your studies. Now, you are a doctor.

Indah: Why are you interested in it?

Indah: You will continue your studies?

Bara : You know, our father suffers from heart disease for years. That's why I want to treat him with my own hand.

Bara : I won't. I am going to take a specialist degree.

Bara : Thanks.

Bara: Thanks for your prayer.

Bara : That's my plan. I want to be a cardiologist.

  • The sequential dialogs
  • Dialog 1

Prita: I saw a billboard showing the pictures of the winner of Mas and Mbak Contest on the way to school. Interestingly, I think I know the young woman. Is she your elder sister?

Ryan: She is.

Prita: Wow! That's wonderful! Congratulations!

Ryan: Thanks.

Prita: When will the coronation be?

Ryan: Next week.

Prita: As the winner she has a great responsibility in representing this town, especially in tourism.

Ryan: You're right. During the test, she had to present her vision and mission. My sister has an idea to develop tourist objects in our town.

Prita: I do hope she can do her duties well.

Ryan: I hope so. Thanks.

  • Dialog 2

Indah: Congratulations! You've finally finished your studies. Now, you are a doctor.

Bara: Thanks.

Indah: Will you work soon after graduation?

Bara: I won't. I am going to take a specialist degree.

Indah: You will continue your studies?

Bara: That's my plan. I want to be a cardiologist.

Indah: Why are you interested in it?

Bara: You know, our father suffers from heart disease for years. That's why I want to treat him with my own hand.

Indah: What a noble purpose! Good luck, brother!

Bara: Thanks for your prayer.


Kedua percakapan di atas berisi tentang ucapan selamat dan juga pujian untuk seseorang dalam bahasa Inggris. Kalimat yang bercetak tebal pada jawaban di atas merupakan beberapa contoh ekspresi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengucapkan selamat, memberi pujian, dan juga merespon ucapan tersebut. Berikut adalah beberapa ekspresi yang dapat digunakan:

  • Ucapan selamat
  1. Congratulations!
  2. Congratulations on your achievement.
  3. I would like to congratulate...
  4. Well done!
  • Pujian
  1. Wow!
  2. That's wonderful!
  3. What a noble purpose!
  4. Perfect!
  • Respon
  1. Thanks
  2. Thank you.
  3. Thank you for saying that.
  4. That's very nice of you to say.

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